Sjamaner myrdet ...igjen PDF Skriv ut E-post
We have just learned that over the last 20 months, 14 shamans have been murdered in Peru's northeastern jungle region of Loreto. Nyheten kommer fra Foundation for Shamanic Studies. According to the newspaper La República: The provincial prosecutor's office said that the murders were allegedly ordered by the mayor of Balsa Puerto, Alfredo Torres, and carried out by his brother, Augusto, locally known as "the witch hunter."  Only seven bodies have been found, however - either shot, stabbed or hacked with machetes. The seven other shamans have been reported missing. Roger Rumrrill, a leading researcher on Amazonian issues, said the murders are related to "protestant sects" that Torres and his brother belong to, the daily said. "For these protestant sects, the shamans are people possessed by demons, so they have to be killed," Rumrrill said.More details from the Peruvian Times.

Kommentarer (13)Add Comment
skrevet av Ingunn Laumann, October 11, 2011
Jeg fylles av sorg over slik ondskap og uforstand, og føler at til og med himmelen gråter....smilies/cry.gif
skrevet av timijan, October 11, 2011
i believe that both alfredo & augusto will have sleepless nights now and they will come to realize that you can not kill a shaman,becaus he or she has other bodies wich they can slip into,and so become very dangerous to the evil doers.
It helps to think about this,in hard times.

skrevet av timijan, October 11, 2011
in native cultures we learn that if you kill somebody,you will keep coming back and repeat the killings in an endless vicious cycle of bad karma,until you kill a shaman who will trap this evil spirit and keep it in a symbolical cage for evermore.
skrevet av timijan, October 11, 2011
beware of fundamental christians,they are like walking time bombs,ready to explode for the sake of their hideous faith in a supreme and most intolerant god of death.
beware,because they are everywhere,even here,watching waiting for someone to say something negative against the terrible one with one eye,and whos name cannot be uttered.
skrevet av timijan, October 11, 2011
angels of punishment are hovering over the earth
they are of course angry with our ignorant ways,and will keep on punishing us until we realize who we are up against.

skrevet av timijan, October 11, 2011
punishment is gods special way of showing us mortal men,true love.
A love of such an quality that we may never learn to understand.
If i ever meet god one day,im gonna fart in his presence,and then tell him its love.
skrevet av, October 11, 2011
there are many gods,the god of death is just one of many.
Everyday these gods playing around with us people,who are supposed to be so occupied with our daily affairs that we shouldnt notice anything unusual.
But for those of us who are not that occupied and disconnected from reality,its no secret what is going on.the battle of the gods is an ancient battle,but for us its not,to us it feels like the end of days,like it did way back then 30 ooo years ago.

skrevet av Sibylum, October 17, 2011
i think that all these nasty and evil acts performed by religious fanatics,is a sign that the devil of their subconscious fears are manifesting in the world as fortold in the *good* book,and they have to place the blame on someone,and will target the good.
We see this manyplaces in the world,religion is rearing its ugly head in all directions,like a giant hurt beast.Those in the know say it will fall and people will be freed from their religious chains,this will lift spirit once again to where it belong,and the true paradise of earth will be reckognized for all to see.
In the meantime we have to witness the crowned beast fall apart and loose its power over people in the world.
skrevet av Chikory, October 18, 2011
Sacrificing people to the gods did not end with the mayans,it started it.
history as we have been taught it,is of course
skrevet av Chikory, October 22, 2011
history keeps repeating itself,like an old record,making sure the message of killing and death is being properly imprinted in our souls.
The earth is a death-star.
skrevet av Ailo Gaup, October 23, 2011
The earth is a class-room, till we learn. Then we graduate. Those who believe in eternal killing, will probably go into that experience.Better look for a way out, start now with love.
skrevet av Anders Hansen, November 27, 2011
jeg leste dette nå og fikk tårer i øynene pga at noen kunne gjøre noe sånt.
et minutts stillhet for de omkommede....
skrevet av SDJ, January 12, 2012
dette er rystende, skulle tro vi levde i 2012, og ikke på 1600tallet, jaja, engang må vell folk lære, de får nokk sin lekse, "Hokus Pokus" ;-P *Gapskratt* XDDDD

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